zaterdag 30 juli 2011

Don't laugh at me, don't look away...

As I told in the previous post I was on holiday near to the beach and the sea.
When I am near to the sea I feel always happy, it's something so wonderful the sea...
It makes you think about certain things: about small things and also things like what do I want
to do with my life.

I mean in about a month I'm going to be a student, you have to know a little bit about what you
want to do..
I don't think I know that!
I know what I going to study but nothing more...

What I want to say with this: I feel a little bit insecure.
It even got worse when I went to some cities to shop for clothes...
I have to say: I am a little bit different than other people even when I don't wear lolita.
At least other people think I'm different or something I don't know what it is and why
they think that..
Most of the time I'm used to that, I mean it has always been like that.
But it's so annoying when you are already insecure and people are going to laugh
at you or say mean things, that's not something you want to hear -_-''
Maybe it's because I'm aware of everything what's happening around me, it's very
tiresome you know...
When I think about this now I think those people are a little bit pathetic only when you
are insecure about youself you don't think that...

Back in the hotel I saw this program on MTV I believe it was called 'made' or something like that..
I don't like MTV but the program kind of interest me ;P
It was about a girl who was very insecure about herself and she only got one friend but her friend
was going to move to somewhere far away.
She wanted to make new friends and because of that she wanted to be a pegeant queen (I didn't know that
word before :P)
It was nice to watch, when the girl had more confidence in herself you saw her become more beautiful, this inspired me to make this post...

I going to talk about lolita, confidence and the other people..
Every lolita gets to do with that even if you don't want to xD

I'm going to give you some advise, you don't have to take this serieus, but I hope it
helps a bit ^_~

1. Only wear things YOU like
When you are a lolita it's important to create a own style, you can ask advise from other people
or wear the same things as the stock oufit but after a while that's not fun anymore..
Clothes say something about who you are and how you are feeling, it's something very personal!
Other people can't pick clothes you like!
If you feel happy with the clothes you are wearing other people will see that, it's the same when you
don't like the clothes you are wearing.
And last but not least when you found your own style you have made from lolita fashion something personal, it's definitely something to be proud of!

2. Be Happy and Polite
Being polite is something very important:

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ( I found this on Iira's blog

Even when people are not nice to you, it's better to be nice to them.
Please don't lower yourself at their level.
Most of the time when you are nice and polite to people they will act nice and polite
to you no matter how you look like!

Being happy is also very important, if you act happy other people see that.
And being happy is also a sign that you have confidence in yourself!

3. Cherish the positive reactions and comments
It always very nice to get positive reactions, no matter if it's though the internet
or in real life.
Those positive reaction are something to cherish, they will make you forget the negative reactions
and give you strenght to try new things!

4. Travelling
Most of the lolitas have to travel a long time for they can attend a meetup.
I don't mind travelling only a feel a bit incesure when I have to travel alone.
You can always ask someone else to go with you, aks can your fellow lolitas who live
near to you ^_~
It's more fun to travel with more people, you aren't distracted because what  other
people say and the time will past faster. ^^

It's always possible to meet each other on the trainstation.

5. When people are rude to you
There always will be people who don't understand it why you want to dress up like a doll or like a little
child. ( in their eyes)
That's okay! Not everyone can like lolita fashion.
But when they are rude or say mean things to you, it's the best to stay polite or to ignore them.
Don't get angry, they want you to get angry don't let them win...
You can always sit somewhere else when you travel by train or when you are somewhere you can
always go somewhere else.

6. Everyone is beautiful
It's such a same  when you wear other clothes or when you are different than other people,
some people say that you are not beautiful!
That's ridiculious! Everyone can be beautiful on their one way.
And yeah there a people who are more beautiful than other people but nobody is perfect.
You can be so beautiful, only when you are not a nice person you won't be better than other
I think this being beautiful thingy has something to do with the media, if they say it's not good
most of the people will believe that, it makes me sad!

7. Have confidence in yourself
This one is very important, maybe it's the most important one of all these tips.
It's all about you, you have to 'live' with yourself and there are two ways to do that:
- Being positive about yourself
- Being negative about yourself
If you are positive and happy with who you are, your live will be a lot easier( most of the times)

8. You are not the only one
There are always people with the same issues or problems.
You are never the only one!

Thanks for reading all this, I hope you liked the post....
I feel a lot better now. ^^
And for the ones who will visit Summer Darkness Tomorrow: See you tomorrow! :D

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Aahw, ik herken dat heel erg van mensen die naar je kijken, ook als je er voor je gevoel "normaal" uitziet. Maar goed, ik kan me er gelukkig makkelijk overheen zetten.

    Verder vind ik dit een lieve, positieve post!^^ Het zijn allemaal kleine dingetjes, zoals wees beleefd en vriendelijk, maar het maakt zo'n verschil!:)

    En kijk er naar uit je morgen te zien, het wordt vast gezellig!^^

  2. Meestal heb ik er ook niet zo veel last van, maar als ik me iets meer onzeker voel dan komt het gewoon wat harder aan.

    Dank je!^^ Ik wilde er ook een positieve post over maken ook al is het niet het leukste onderwerp om over te praten :P
    En kleine dingetjes maken meestal al verschil!

    Ik ook! Ik heb erg veel zin in morgen, ik weet zeker dat het leuk gaat worden. ^^

  3. Gelukkig weet je in ieder geval wat je wil studeren. Want dan heb je tijdens het studeren dat je met allerlei nieuwe dingen in aanraking komt, je ontwikkelt jezelf en je hebt alle tijd om dan na te denken over wat je daarna wil gaan doen met je leven. ^_^ Dus dat zal zeker wel goedkomen!

    En vervelend dat je zo onzeker bent. :/ Het blijft altijd wel lastig, die opmerkingen van andere mensen op straat. Je went er tot op een zekere hoogte wel aan, maar zelfs ik heb na 11 jaar alternatief zijn nog steeds mijn onzekere momenten op straat waarbij gemene opmerkingen me ook echt kunnen raken.

    En een mooie lijst met punten trouwens!

    En tot morgen! :D

  4. Gelukkig weet ik inderdaad wel wat ik wil gaan studeren alleen ik weet nog niet wat ik verder wil doen. Hopelijk heb je gelijk. ^_^
    Ik ga gewoon mijn best doen en afwachten wat het gaat worden!

    Meestal heb ik er ook niet zo veel last van, je raakt er meestal wel aan gewend. Maar het blijft gewoon vervelend en de ene keer kan ik er beter tegen dan de andere keer.
    Misschien hoort het er ook een beetje bij als je alternatieve kleding draagt :P

    Dank je, en tot morgen! :D

  5. Heel herkenbaar..ik voel me ook altijd bekeken als ik 'normale' kleding draag,.maar meestal kijken er ook wel mensen. Maar doordat je weet dat er mensen naar je kijken word je ook onzeker.
    Ik hoop dat je je minder onzeker gaat voelen, want het is nergens voor nodig. je ziet er leuk uit ♥

  6. Dat gevoel heb ik inderdaad ook, als mensen naar me kijken dan voel ik me vaak erg oncomfortabel..

    Aah dank je wel! Doet me echt goed om dat te horen. ^^
