I think my local community has a great sense of fashion. ^^ Of course there are weirdos once in a while, that's something you can't avoid. Most of the people who are truly interested in lolita fashion are motivated to learn from their 'mistakes', I think everyone should get enough time to learn about lolita and find their own style. It's not that easy! And the people who are only in the community to get attention won't stay for long.
The difference between Dutch lolitas and lolitas from other countries is that they are less active on websites like Daily Lolita and such. There aren't many tumblr famous lolitas from the Netherlands... Most Dutch lolitas share their pictures on their blogs, the problem is that you need to find those blogs. The most popular way to share pictures is facebook these days which is mostly friend only. And the Dutch community isn't that big, I think there are about 100 lolitas who wear lolita regulary and attend meetups. There are more people (I don't know anything about the numbers) who have lolita clothes which they don't wear ( in public/post pictures on the internet) and people who like lolita only haven't start wearing it yet. So... that's why you can't find much pictures from Dutch lolitas.
The first link I want to give you is the Dutch Lolita tumblr:
Some Dutch inspiration blogs and tumblrs:
* Josine
* Damien
* Rosalynn
Some Dutch lolita 'brands'
There are more Dutch lolitas with an amazing style this is just an impression! I hope you like it and that it helped a little bit! ^____^
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